A downloadable demo for Windows

*Now the winner of 1st place 'Best Team' at the Game Republic Showcase 2024 - thank you for selecting us! 

Hidden away between countless trees and foggy mountain tops lies the cozy home of many known simply as 'Folk'. After industrious Folk wander into the caves below the mountain and disrupt its slumbering spirits, the village is thrown into disarray. The remains of the community must come together and rescue those in need! 

Into The Abyss is a single-player card-based strategy RPG for Windows PC. Take the place of one of the few remaining denizens and build a deck of Action Cards to crawl your way through many dungeons in this classic action-adventure game with a card-based twist.

A game by Team FFEAST:

Tori 'Lis' Miller - Design, gameplay tech, UI, VFX & assorted sounds/music

Frazer Beckett - Technical art, Houdini tools, VFX & environmental art

Shannon Brabbin - Prop art, environmental art & card illustrations

Ethan Williams - Prop art & environmental art

Amy Wozny - Character art, creature art & card illustrations

Freyja Weller - Creature art & VFX

 Ricky Lawe - Additional music


Into The Abyss - 2024 Playable Demo 334 MB

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